Saturday, December 29, 2012

Tingle, Rabbits'n Pixels!

Once again blog, here is more stuff for you and it's been less than a month! Woo : )

Illustration of Tingle in Assassin's Creed robes.

Bunny link from ALTTP. A more "charming" rendition than what the sprite seems to represent.

Turning your old pixels into drawings!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Monday, December 17, 2012

Sorry Blog!

Sorry for neglecting you blog, i know i have been running around posting art on other social media places but i have not forgotten about you!

Here are some illustrations i have done in the past few weeks while practicing mah digital painting skills!

My first attempt at this new technique, a self portrait of good ole me!
I look a bit pale and sickley, more contrast would definitely do it!

Some guy with a flat head, let's call him Flat Top, because i have no naming skills.

And finally my most recent thing, my rendition of Link! Definitely my favorite one so far, but not my last for sure! Starting to love that painting stuff, its oodles of fun!

And here are some digital sketches to finish off!

Cya next time blog!

Monday, November 12, 2012


Eere's ma tumblr account thing! Its pretty new'n stuff.

Here's a drawing of bandanna Dee for your trouble!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Stuff wif color!

What do Bulbasaur, Guseppe and Shane have in common? They all got sum color now!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Mega update of massive proportions!

Dear blog, please don't beat me up just because i forgot about you for a while...   as an apology here is a crap ton of art!

The rest of the daily drawings!

Cat Ben from Lost

Cat Charlie  from Lost

Hurley Cat from Lost

Olivia Dunham from Fringe

Tanoomba from Mario

Cat Sawyer from Lost

Tiny Kong from the Donkey Kong series

Aqualea from Wario's Woods

Serj Tankian from System of a Down


Cat Artz from Lost

Michael from V-Sauce

Nu from Chrono Trigger

A bear!

Captain Olimar from Pikmin

Paranorman from Paranorman!

A metroid from the Metroid series!

Some chibi girl thing. Remake from an older drawing.

Remake of an older drawing of the dreadful Pikaman.

Toad from Wario's Woods

A wario's woods monster

Sam Spook from Wario's Woods

Uncle Tooth

Diablo from Chrono Trigger

Juggler from Chrono Trigger

Alex Kid from the Alex Kid series

Sora from Kingdom Hearts

Hurley from Lost

A little engineer

Guseppe the space Gnome

Dave Grohl and his Ketchup

9-Volt from the wario ware series

James Rolfe as the Angry Video Game Nerd

John Locke as a cat from lost

Cat Jack from Lost

Cat Anna Lucia from lost

GlaDOS from Portal

Sum illustrations!

Beck adventure time style

Frank West

Murphy from LCD Soundsystem

Some Mummy girl!