Sunday, July 14, 2013

Tha Walking Dead

What do you do when you have to wait months until the return
of your favorite TV show? Make an animation of course! : D

This had been sitting on the editing floor for a while and decided to wrap it up
a few days ago. Enjoy! 

Also available for viewing on Newgrounds

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

2013 Animation Demo Reel

Here is my new and improved 2013 animation demo reel!
I am pleased with how much new animation is in there compared to my older 
animations i did in college. I'm already excited to make new stuff to add to it!! : D

New Art!

Here are a few illustrations i have done lately!

This comes from an overabundance of Animal Crossing playing and my general love and obsession for 
Zelda Majora's Mask. Gave old Red here a little Mask salesman bag to link the two. : 3 

This one was a blast to draw and paint and ironically came from a very sad toned dream i had a while back. It was really fun to try out a different style for the color than i usually use and go with all purple shadows.

Here are a few character designs i did for a college project!
The little red plaid shirted dude is me, everyone else except the robot are based on my friends.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

New oldies

Here is some old stuff, that is new stuff to my blog!

Let's begin with the cool stuff, here is the first very short episode of the Semi Impressive No-Man!

Now onto the non moving stuff!

Yes-Woman, a character that is to be featured in the hopefully much longer episode 2 of No-Man!

My favorite Digital Painting thus far! Jack from lost doing one of his trademarked crazy faces!

Jon Tron from the JonTron Show and Gamegrumps!

Some lady who seems to be surprised by who knows what. I'm pretty happy with the way her hair turned out on this one.

This one was a commission for my friend Morgan's YouTube let's play page. Check it out!

And here is my new profile pick for my YouTube channel! Check it out too! : )

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Hey! Need sum shirts? I got sum shirts! Head on over to the Shirtatorium to get
this awesome Breaking Bad/Rugrats shirt for just 21$. More designs to come soon i guarantee it! : )

Friday, January 11, 2013

1st post of 2013

First blog post of the year, i promise to update you more often in 2013 blog!

Hers's sum art

Made for my skype profile picture at work. Trying some new techniques in Photoshop!
The raging ball of anger that is phil! :)

My friend Morgan and her generally disproving demeanor.

Character i drew for my submission for this month's 11 sec club. Trying to capture that early 90's villain sidekick style!

Some drawings inspired by sprites from the game harvest moon. The smoother looking ones were made after i changed the settings for my pencil brush in Photoshop. A much more fun time ensued once i figured that one out.

A couple of girl faces i drew at work testing out my new drawing tablet. This was before i realized the pen size option was not set to the pen's pressure on my tablet.

Various sketches including Mario, Luigi, Walter White and some other doofus!

Another Mario sketch this time joined by a Jinjo, a Rabbid and Mudkipp

Lastly here are a couple of Samus helmets, Majora's mask, DK, Marth and Jesse Pinkman!

Looking forward to see you again soon blog!