Friday, July 27, 2012

Return of the Daily Drawing!

I'm back from my Halifax trip and here are the missing daily drawings!
Most of them were drawn today but i am finally back on track, woo!

Drawn on July 22nd 2012
Daily Drawing #20

Stan the Business man, such a weird fella,
What does he sell? Nobody knows!

Drawn on July 23rd 2012
Daily Drawing #21

Chang from community, a very, very deranged man.
Gotta love him!

Drawn on July 24th 2012
Daily Drawing #22

G-Raff and his Giraffe. 
Look at em being all kool, strutting around the savanna.

Drawn on July 27th 2012
Daily Drawing #23

In honor of Clyde Brown's new-found love for Nintendo and Donkey Kong Country here is Dixie Kong! Tho she's not in DKC Return she's one of the best Kongs! Also thought i'd ad the retro studio logo, rareware is kinda being lame these days.

Drawn on July 27th 2012
Daily Drawing #24

Teal'c the rebellious Jaffa from Stargate SG 1. His incredible strength and immune system sadly comes from his gross Gould parasite in his stomach, yuck!

Drawn on July 27th 2012
Daily Drawing #25

Shigeru Miyamoto, creative genius and mastermind behind Super Mario, Donkey Kong, The Legend of Zelda, Star-Fox, Pikmin, Wii Sports and many others. Truly the father of modern gaming.

Drawn on July 27th 2012
Daily Drawing #26

After an awesome vacation i am finally caught up in my daily drawings! Woo!

A human girl from Animal Crossing on 3DS, anyone else looking pumped for this game?

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